This is Saturday's Post. My wireless router went out on Friday. We had been fighting with it for most of the weekend. Finally we decided that we needed a new one, when we figured out that our router was older than we thought.. lol So new router installed, and we are back up and on the net! So here is Saturday's post
We all need
something fun. So be sure to add a new fun item to your kit. Add a new deck of
cards, add a new travel game, add a new book to read.
Learn a new game
that is easy to learn and fun to play. Farkle is an easy game to learn, and all
you need is 6 dice, paper and pen. You can look online to get the rule and how
to score. Of course everyone has their own way to score and add the dice up, make
up your own! You can pass a lot of time and be able to talk and have a good
time with your family and friends.You do not need to buy a game, you just need six 6 sided dice, paper to keep score. Just do a quick search for Farkle on the net and find what rules, and scoring options work best for you!
Rules of Farkle
Ok, first things
first. What are the OFFICIAL rules of
Farkle? There are copyrighted© rules, and rules pertaining to trademarks™ and
rules that are used in day-to-day play. There are the rules from Hoyle’s Standard Games. There are the rules
your grandmother played by. There are even the rules from the Reign of Good
Queen Bess. So which are the REAL rules?

To make things easy,
we’ve documented the core rules here, followed by the most common scoring and
play variations for you to incorporate into your own Farkle parties.
But when it comes
right down to it, Farkle is what you make it. Different friends and different
times may call for different versions. Our best advice to you is - whatever
rules you do choose to use, WRITE THEM DOWN, so there’s no argument later.
Farkle is a pretty
casual game and can be played impromptu with a minimum of setup. All you need
is six dice, some paper and pencils for scoring, a copy of the scoring rules,
and a place to play.
The number of
players for Farkle is flexible. Two or more can play (although a minimum of
three, and a max of 8 is suggested.)
Each player rolls
one die, the highest score going first. Ties are rerolled.
The players take
turns rolling the dice, with the objective of having the highest score above
10,000 in the final round.
During each player’s
turn, they initially roll six-dice trying to score points. As long as they
score at last one point, they can remove the scoring dice from play, and either
bank their points or continue rolling.
If the dice you roll
do not score any points, you pass the dice and you get a Farkle, losing all
points accumulated for that turn.
If the player
manages to score on all six dice, they have “hot dice” and may choose to roll
all six-dice again, or they can bank the points and pass the dice.
At the end of the
players turn, they write down any points scored and pass the dice clockwise.
Each 1 = 100 pts
Each 5 = 50 pts
Three 1’s = 1000 pts
Three 2’s = 200 pts
Three 3’s = 300 pts
Three 4’s = 400 pts
Three 5’s = 500 pts
Three 6’s = 600 pts
(1-2-3-4-5-6) = 1000 pts
It is important to
note you can combine different types of scoring.
(1-3-4-4-4-5) could
be scored many ways. For example:
1) (1) could be kept
for 100 points.
2) (1-5) could be
kept for 150 points.
3) (4-4-4) Could be
kept for 400 points.
4) (1-4-4-4) Could
be kept for 500 points.
5) (1-4-4-4-5) Could
be kept for 550 points.
In the case of
scoring options 1-4 the player would typically throw the remaining dice (if
they were to pass, why leave points on the table?) In the case of scoring
option 5, they could either bank their point and pass the die, or throw the
remaining die, with a 1 in 3 chance of scoring (getting a 1 or 5). If they were
to score, they could bank their final score and pass the dice, or throw all six
dice again, and further increase their score, since they have “Hot Dice”.
Each roll is scored
separately. If you were to roll two 5’s for 100 points, if you rolled a 5 on
the next roll, you would not get 500 points for 3 fives, you would get another
50 points for a total of 150 points.
the Game
Players continue
rolling until a player reaches 10,000 points. Once any player reaches 10,000
pts, the final round begins, and every other players gets one additional turn
to score as many points as they can. The player with the most points at the end
of the final round is the winner.
Play Variations:
on the board (popular)
Until a player has a
score written down (on the board) they are required to continue rolling until
they score at least 500 points. (Alternatively 350 or 400).
The target game
score to exceed may be something other than 10,000.
Players who score
using all six dice are required to roll at least one additional time.
A player rolling
three Farkles in a roll loses 1000 points
A player can choose
to begin their turn by rolling the dice remaining after the previous players
turn. If they score on at least 1 die, they receive 1000 points in addition to
the regular points they accumulate. (Alternatively, they receive the full amount
of the previous players points)
The game is played
in teams, with teammates sitting opposite each other and combining their
scores. Game play is usually to 20,000.
Here are the scoring rules we use:
500 points to get on board
1’s = 100 points each
5’s = 50 points each
Three 1’s = 300 points
Three 2’s = 200 points
Three 3’s = 300 points
Three 4’s – 400 points
Three 5’s = 500 points
Three 6’s = 600 points
4 of any kind = 1,000 points
5 of any kind = 2,000 points
6 of any kind = 3,000 points
1-6 straight = 1,500 points
Three pairs= 1,500 points
Four of any kind with a pair = 1,500 points
Two triplets = 2,500 points
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