Why Food Storage and the like


This blog comes to help us all deal with FS questions and to build up from a starting place & build a more complete and full FS & how to be more Self Reliant. Let us all get Prepared & ready for anything that may come our way. You never know when Mother Nature, Man Made Disaster or Money Problems may come and you would need your FS to get you through! I will talk about Emergency Preparedness also!

Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, Other tips and Ideas. Let me help you get ready for what ever may come!

I started Food Storage over 15 years ago. I have taught many classes and been a speaker and helped many people over the years. This is a place where I can state things or address issues I want to cover.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Physical Fitness Idea

We all know that we need to work out weekly if not daily. We all know to eat right, but sometimes these are the hardest things to do.

Try this for a week Choose an activity to do, like walking, dancing, weights, etc. No matter what activity you choose, you can do it all at once, or divide it into two or three parts during the day. If you divide it up, each part should be at least 10 minutes long. 

Just pick something you like to do.  
Pick something that YOU WILL DO! 

Every little thing you do to eat better, to exercise, will make your life better! 

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