Why Food Storage and the like


This blog comes to help us all deal with FS questions and to build up from a starting place & build a more complete and full FS & how to be more Self Reliant. Let us all get Prepared & ready for anything that may come our way. You never know when Mother Nature, Man Made Disaster or Money Problems may come and you would need your FS to get you through! I will talk about Emergency Preparedness also!

Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, Other tips and Ideas. Let me help you get ready for what ever may come!

I started Food Storage over 15 years ago. I have taught many classes and been a speaker and helped many people over the years. This is a place where I can state things or address issues I want to cover.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Its that time of year

It is that time of year. Back to school time. As people are busy trying to get things is order for the kids to go back to school. This is the perfect time to buy certain things to add to your 72 hour kits, 2 week kits and storage in general.

This is the time of year that I buy lots of socks, underwear, tee shirts and pants for everyone. When these items go on sale I buy many. I put some away for spring time to pull out of storage and give everyone a new package of socks, because by then they have holes, or lost pairs, etc. Same thing for underwear, and tee shirts. Now pants is a whole another thing. If you have growing kids you can not buy extra to put away for 6 months or longer. This only works if you have grown children, husbands etc.

Now it the time of year to go through your 72 hour kits, change out the clothing and replace. It is a good idea to go through it and wash it at least once a year, if not twice a year. You do not want to have to use your 72 hour clothes and they smell, have bugs in them or simply do not fit! Just like you have to change and replace out your food and water, the same goes for the clothes.

Wash all new clothes you buy. Now is the time of year to go through your winter and fall clothes, take them out of storage or out of the closet. See what still fits, see what has no holes, etc and wash and get ready for the cooler temps. Since August is almost over cooler weather in many places is coming. Time to put away the shorts and tank tops.

We do not have over filling closets. We have enough clothes for 2-3 weeks. This includes socks, underwear, tee shirts, pants that you can wear more than one day, sweats, long sleeve shirts, sweat shirts, sweaters, etc. The reason I have enough for a few weeks is if I can NOT wash clothes for a while we are good to go. I wash clothes on a regular basis, which is 1 load of wash per person per week. 1-2 loads of towels, 1 load of bedding per person in a week. The reason why I do more towels than anything is we have a pool and the towels start to smell and do not dry completely with the humidity.  

This is also the time of year to buy towels, wash clothes, bedding, and closet supplies. As families are sending their older children to college, the stores have things on sale for people to buy said items. So even though I do not have kids in school anymore I still take advantage of this time of year to buy things to replace and add to my storage.

See what you need, buy what you need and save money at the same time!

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