Why Food Storage and the like


This blog comes to help us all deal with FS questions and to build up from a starting place & build a more complete and full FS & how to be more Self Reliant. Let us all get Prepared & ready for anything that may come our way. You never know when Mother Nature, Man Made Disaster or Money Problems may come and you would need your FS to get you through! I will talk about Emergency Preparedness also!

Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, Other tips and Ideas. Let me help you get ready for what ever may come!

I started Food Storage over 15 years ago. I have taught many classes and been a speaker and helped many people over the years. This is a place where I can state things or address issues I want to cover.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Peanut Butter and Jelly

This is the time of year that Peanut Butter and Jams and Jellies go on sale, Just in time for back to school. This is the perfect time to add Peanut Butter and Jams and the like to your Food Storage.

There are many people who make their own Jams and Jellies. Please make, store and put away. There is nothing like a fresh jams and jellies cooking in the pot before your jar them up. My Children always loved the fresh foam on the jam and eat it with fresh homemade bread!

Peanut Butter is a quick and easy thing to add to your 72 hour kits, and has a shelf life that does not need to refrigerated in times of emergency. The going shelf life of peanut butter is; The official is use by date. Many people that have stored peanut butter: unopened jars that have been kept in a cool, dry, dark place can last between 2-5 years after the used by date. Again this is a personal choice and you do with it what you want to. Always smell your peanut butter you will know by the nose that it is no longer good to eat.

Jams and Jellies are made with sugar and the like. They officially have a used by date on prepackage items. The general rule is about 1 maybe 2 years. It all depends on what it is, how it was made and if it has sugar or sugar free.

Do a simple search, check the websites for the brands you use and see what the manufacturer has to say all about it. When you make your own the general rule of thumb is use it with in a year. I have used jams I have put up for up to 5 years later. Check the seals, and make sure they are not molding or spoiling.

This is the time of year I like to remind people to add a few extra jars to food storage. 

Now if your family has a peanut allergy sufferer you will not want to add peanut butter to your storage as it will be a hazard to the family member.

As with any food storage it is best to use up what you have, replace as needed. Wasting food and throwing it out is a waste of money. Always use the first in first out method. Always date for incoming food on when you added it to your food storage and place behind what you already have on your shelves. Use your food storage and you will never have to throw out food, and your food will be used long before the use by dates!

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