Why Food Storage and the like


This blog comes to help us all deal with FS questions and to build up from a starting place & build a more complete and full FS & how to be more Self Reliant. Let us all get Prepared & ready for anything that may come our way. You never know when Mother Nature, Man Made Disaster or Money Problems may come and you would need your FS to get you through! I will talk about Emergency Preparedness also!

Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, Other tips and Ideas. Let me help you get ready for what ever may come!

I started Food Storage over 15 years ago. I have taught many classes and been a speaker and helped many people over the years. This is a place where I can state things or address issues I want to cover.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Today Is May 10, Today is Military Spouse day! Thank the families and those that serve our country today.

Military Spouses Day is a day to recognize and honor the real backbone of the military..... the spouses of our soldiers. This day recognizes the contributions made by military spouses to the spirit and well being of soldiers and military communities. Where would military moral be without their spouses behind them?

Military Spouses Day was created by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger established the Friday before Mother’s Day as Military Spouses Day.  The Spouses of those that serve do a wonderful job of supporting and doing things by themselves when their spouse is deployed. It takes a special type of person to be married to a someone in the military. With out the spouse keeping things going at home, the person who serves could not do their job when they are deployed.

To all the wives and husbands and significant other Thank you for all you do, all you give up and for keeping strong!

Our house has become a haven for military wives, and those that serve that need a "home" away from home and a "family" away from their own families. We are happy to open our home to them. We listen and support them any way we can. Being a military family takes a special bread of people and we thank you!


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